miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

Numeric Proportionality

Numeric Proportionality

When green is red

The 26-year-old young man, John Dalton, was comforted by his older brother, Jonathan, while they took a walk through the English city of Kendal.

-John, don’t take it so seriously. I’m sure that mom didn’t want to offend you.

John didn’t seem very convinced and looked in disbelief at the garment that he had given to his mother, and that she returned it made him visibly upset.

-I don’t understand why she doesn’t like it, the clerk assured me that the cloth was of the highest quality.

-You know that mom is very religious and the color red… -answered his brother Jonathan.

-You didn’t realize it either -John objected and, while he threw the scarlet garment in the river, he began to think: Why couldn’t his brother and him distinguish the colors?

Two years later, in 1793, John Dalton published a work where he described a type of disorder the he himself suffered, known from then on as daltonism.

Dalton became famous, and is still known for his atomic theory, that plays a fundamental role in numeric proportionality.

For example, a water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. His theory affirms that, regardless of the amount of water, the quantity of hydrogen and oxygen atoms always has the same proportion (ratio).

Who's John Dalton?

Ratios and proportions

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Algebra 1º and 2º ESO


What does Heraldy study?
Can you think of any elements that normally appear in coats of arms?
What can they mean?

Coat of Arms

Once upon a time, there was a knight in shining armour who was riding his beautiful black horse up the hill towards a castle. One of the castle guards was going to stop him to ask him his name, when the sergeant ordered him to let the knight in.

Olimpiada Matemática Thales

New page in this blog related with the "Olimpiada Matemática Thales  for the Second course of ESO.

You can try to solve differents problems HERE

The love of the Moon

Christopher Columbus’ ship was shipwrecked for a short time in the island of Jamaica. His men threatened mutiny, and to compromise the situation, the indigenous, tired of exchanging little mirrors and accounts, refused to supply them with food.
The situation was hopeless and Columbus, to calm down his men, promised them food and a meeting with the chief of the indigenous people that same night.

-You know that you have all angered me with your poor cooperation, I will make the moon turn red with blood and then it will dissapear!
The indigenous chiefs looked at the moon to make sure the threats of Columbus were real, terrified, they asked him to resurrect the moon, promising to continue bringing food to him and his crew.
Columbus moved his arms, as if he were calling someone, and assured them:
-The moon will appear new this same night, but if you take back your word again, it will return to how it was.
After that, he returned to his quarters satisfied, congratulating the men for bringing the Ephemerides of the famous mathematician Regiomontanus, who predicted the eclipse that just happened.
Regiomantanus also wrote about angles, and measuring in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Practice here

Working with Lecture

Unit Conversion by Braden Williams

UK Unit chart

Exam exercises

2º ESO: Unit 14 Statistic

Here you have a video explaining the most important words about statistic...

And Information about Statistics Graphs...

Graphing ppt from Channa Comer

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